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Serge Meets Arif at Home

Arif at home

Our Serge Meets with Arif was in March 2019. Check out what he's getting up to at home and how he's coping with quarantine. To keep up to date with Arif, follow him on instagram @mrugandanschnack.

 First thing I do when I get up is... 20 minutes of yoga

Breakfast is... eggs, sausages, a different type of bread every day, banana & water

I'm watching on Netflix... The Last Dance

I'm trying to achieve... becoming a calisthenics warrior and master my own body weight

The song getting me through isolation is... Oxlade

My most-used apps at the moment are...
TikTok, Youtube & Instagram

The book I'm currently reading is...
 Manchester Happened

I end my day with...
yoga & anime

My one tip to getting through self-isolation is...
consume as much positive content as you can

Before I go to sleep I...
watch Youtube for inspiration

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