Describe yourself in three words?
Caring, Understanding and Determined.
Favourite piece from the Serge collection?
I would have to say the Explorer collection for me.
Dream brand to work with?
Hmmm, good question. I would have to say Off-white!
How did you get into modelling?
I got scouted through Instagram.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully, I will be a qualified doctor.
What do you do to relax?
Go to the gym and listen to music.
You recently graduated! What did you study at uni?
Musculoskeletal science a.k.a Orthopaedic medicine
One piece of advice for all university students?
Make as many connections as you can with people from different subjects and industries.
What do you hope to achieve within the modelling industry?
Well, some money hopefully but also bringing some awareness to different types of black people in modelling.
What is your life motto?
Learn from every experience
Most enjoyable shoot you have been on?
This would have to go to shooting a campaign with JD.
Where is your next holiday destination?
This is such a cliche but Ibiza
Where is your favourite place in London?
This is a tough one but it would have to be South London in summer.
What is your ideal Sunday?
This might sound very soppy but it would be watching match of the day and then an evening with my mum.
If you could have one superpower what would it be?
Oh, this is easy, I would 100% become the flash!